A century after the Spanish flu, today Coronavirus pandemic has brought mankind to a stage where the industrial revolution, technology and resourceful development have been only jack-o-lantern. From the Arctic to Antarctica, and Sahara desert to the forest of Australia, which has burnt out over 46 million acres, today nature is also trying to protect itself. It is said that the Amazon Rainforest is the lung of earth, the loss of which can affect the human race to the depths. A similar situation has been created by the second wave of corona in India today, which has spread more than four hundred thousand infections perday and has unofficially put more than 1.6 million people to death. Yes, there was a moment of happiness when the Indian government, for the first time since independence emerged as the lung of the world like the Amazon Rainforest, but today India itself is lying on oxygen and ventilators. All this happened due to irresponsible and political negligence. Ever since India sent chloroquine medicine to more than 150 countries at the onset of the epidemic, as well as providing access to the world by becoming self-reliant in masks and PPE kits, then the world considered India to be pharmaceutical hubs.
Today, India has again sent 66 million vaccines to more than 90 countries to save people. Of course, this was the first time centuries later when India made itself dependent on superpowers like USA, Russia, China, Britain, Germany, Japan in any diplomatic matter. 7.8 billion People living in this period saw India as with Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam for the first time, and many global institutions, including the Wall Street Journal, praised the incredible foresight and diplomacy of the Indian government, calling India a superpower of vaccine because this help given too many countries was a grant, not a trade. Although, the ambition of electoral victory and change of power in the Indian states, made the ruling leader extreme overconfident; hence the tragedy has come in the country. Addressing leaders from around the world in a virtual meeting at WEF’s Davos Dialogue on 28 January 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared India as the winner in the battle with Covid19, where this outcry and haste to get the economy back on track disintegrated the dream of becoming a $5 trillion economy by 2024. By ignoring the large-scale crowds at the religious events and election rallies, the ruler has conveyed the tsunami of transition to the soul of India, ie, door to door in the village. As a result of this, the Heads of states of Rwanda, Denmark, Japan, and Britain canceled their bilateral visit to India. Not only this, PM Modi himself also had to cancel Portugal, France and UK tour for G7 summit.
Although in India, education and health have never been given much attention since independence, so today corpses came out from house to house, crossing the crematoriums, and floating in the living entity’s Ganga River. The same situation has also happened in India’s vaccine diplomacy. Out of the 66 million vaccines that India sent to 90 countries, only 10 million was a grant, while 20 million were sent under the Covax program by the WHO and GAVI, the remaining 36 million vaccines were sold by the government to various countries. But the Government of India left no stone unturned in promoting it as charity politics all over the world. They have also never told the countrymen that the foreign ministry was uploading photos of the vaccine box with various ambassadors and envoys on its website every day; it was not only help but 84 percent business. Will the government likewise increase India’s soft power; while on the other hand, the Quad is now working to make India a vaccine hub.
The countries to which India sold and donated the vaccine they complain that India has banned vaccine exports to meet the country’s needs and left them in the middle, while the fact is that the vaccine needs of the country itself are not fulfilled. India is now getting a vaccine agreement with companies like Sputnik-V, Pfizer and now Moderna. The situation is that many countries of the world, especially from the African continent, are demanding immediate vaccine, expressing anger at the Indian government. Not because the number of infections or deaths is increasing rapidly in their countries, but rather that those who have been given the first vaccine can be given their second dose, otherwise the effect of the vaccine will be neutralized; And all the hard work and soft power of India will be lost. Countries like South Africa have even returned the vaccine to India, and recently countries like Britain, Canada, and Brazil have also scold bluntly about the adoption of vaccine nationalism. Of course, this has also hurt the image of the country’s soft power and pharmaceutical hub. In this forced situation of India, China and Russia have now taken up the task of filling this vacuum, both have started a plan to vaccinate most of the countries as soon as possible by adopting mild and coercive diplomacy, so that there is no country left to stop them later.
India today is itself responsible for this injury because the countries which were trusted by the Vishwaguru India after centuries, India left him in the middle. Self-concealment is further increased that help is being sent from small countries to the same Vishwaguru India, thus the Indian policy of not getting help from any other country is now buried in a grave with millions of corpses. The European Union are laughing that they made biggest mistake by making India a pharmacy hub. In the same way, the Charlie Hebdo magazine is under sarcasm that the country which has 330 millions of deities is unable to make even oxygen for itself. In the midst of all this, there is a game of concealment of statistics by the governments. Recently the New York Times released its analytical data according to which around 700 million Indians would have been infected with coronavirus. Some time ago, CNN also did this estimate on 500 million people, but the facts are far from government figures. Looking at the death figures, a few days ago the University of Washington had said in its estimate that nearly 700 thousands have died and soon the figure of 1 million will be exceeded. If you talk on the report of the New York Times, then you will start to think of yourself as incomplete, according to them, after passing through the worst phase, more than 4.2 million people have died in India till date, which has no record. Certainly these figures are frightening because all this is the result of the negligent and failed policies of the government, which made its people a scapegoat for their own ambitions.
However, the stinger of the pandemic has started, but there is no doubt that India will rise again; although it is not possible to compensate those who lost their loved ones due to the failed policies of the governments. Surely it is a misery, but the policies of any individual or party do not change the tradition of the nation and the religion of humanity. This pandemic will also ultimately prove to be a good lesson in deciding the future of the nation, which will speed up nature, promote humanity and strengthen the above mentioned need of resources. This is the basic principle of this coronavirus that humans, religion and science can never rise above nature and messing with it will lead to the destruction of the entire human race.
29 May 2021
@Published :
1. #The_Hawk Newspaper, 29 May 2021, Saturday, National Digital edition 👇 https://www.thehawk.in/india-news/india-vaccine-diplomacy-229173