Israel, the only Jewish country in the world, is not recognized even today by 29 countries of the world, especially Muslim nations. This includes not only our neighbours Pakistan and Bangladesh, but also a small Buddhist country of Bhutan. This country not only witnessed the worst massacre of its community in human history but also the longest tenure of a nationalist prime minister as Benjamin Netanyahu after becoming a nation. But Israel, which no country could dare to show eye, is today going through the most difficult phase of its democracy since the formation of three temporary governments in the last two years. The situation is bad to such an extent that the people who never opposed their leaders, so that no Arab country attacks them, today the same people are besieging their Prime Minister’s residence as the biggest corrupt leader in Israeli history. On the other hand, it is the youth class, which is protesting on the open roads, fed by the stalled economy and unemployment resulting from the failure of coronavirus to prevent it properly. But the important thing is what is going on in Israel, due to which it is safe even after being surrounded by Muslim nations on all three sides, and indirectly changing the policies of countries like UAE, Bahrain, Oman and Morocco, establishing diplomatic relations with them is also gaining direct recognition. So the reason for all this is the US, especially US President Donald Trump, who kept constant pressure on global organizations and Iran to keep Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister.

Israel’s security policy is said to be very dangerous. It is such that there is no country in the world equal in espionage and revenge from enemies. Whether to save its citizens from the plane hijack in Uganda, or to find and kill Nazi generals who escaped from Germany in the World War-II. Whether it is to airlift more than 14,000 Ethiopian Jews for 36 consecutive hours in 35 airplanes without cluttering Saudi Arabia and Kuwait in 1991, or make Palestine a sovereign nation Stop being made. Israel did all this because this country had already understood that the fight is fought not with war, but with espionage and intelligence. It is amazing that even a large country like India now uses Israeli policy against Pakistan. But this was not always the case. When the Jews were settled with Israel in a small country of Palestine, all Muslim countries in the Middle-East opposed it and vowed to wipe out Israel, Which was led by Saudi Arabia on behalf of Sunni Muslims and Iran on behalf of Shias. But the situation in present day Israel is different and now its problem has become more global than domestic. Because the solution that were talked about in order to preserve power by a nationalist party, have put Israel in the dock across the world. This can also be gauged from the fact that international organizations such as UNESCO and the UNHRC have always criticized it, yet not considered Israel. But Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory in last year’s election, promising to completely capture Jordan Valley and the Golan Heights, spoiled the mood of the whole world. So now many countries along with the EU have threatened to impose sanctions, because now the fear of all of them has turned the victory of Netanyahu into reality.

From here came a huge turning point for the whole world, which not only increased the strength of Israel to the height in the entire Middle-East but also divided the organization of Muslim nations representing 57 countries into two groups. Now Iran and Turkey are on one side, Saudi Arabia and UAE on the other side. In fact, whatever countries are normalizing their relations with Israel under the banner of America, in the context of that, the reality is that Israel has strengthened itself by appeasing these Muslim countries without doing any harm. However, Israel would not have been able to do all this if US President Donald Trump had not focused his entire Middle-East policy on Israel. President Trump not only helped Israel but with the exit of international organizations such as UNHRC and UNESCO to strengthen him, he exerted his full power to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel from Tel Aviv. When he found so few things, he recognized the disputed Israeli settlements and Golan Heights under Israeli sovereignty, completely changing the world order before Israel mid-term election, and later also issued an Israeli Peace Plan favourable to Israel. Under this plan, if Palestine gives all of Jerusalem, Jordan Valley to Israel, it will be determined to recognize Palestine as a full-fledged sovereign state on global forums.

First of all, we have to understand how a small country became so important to America, because since the formation of Israel, America has never made such a big policy swift in its 70 years of history. In fact, when oil and gas deposits were found in the Middle-East, America became dependent on their producing countries. But when Israel defeated the Arab countries in just 6 days in 1967 war, the US found a strong partner in the form of Israel, preventing the rivalry and aggression between the Gulf countries and made Israel a strategic ally with provided modern techniques weapons. Taking advantage of this fear, to maintain the security of its energy sources, the US not only took the responsibility of military security of countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar but also made many military bases in these areas, At the same time, by pushing the Gulf countries into the battle of supremacy, they also created the largest market for their American weapons.

In terms of conclusions with the current perspective, President Donald Trump proved more unpredictable than his predecessors in relation to Israel. Yet, to my mind, this is only part of the election promise that has hidden vote bank politics in its womb. In fact, 80 percent of US Evangelical Christian voters are supporters of Trump and they support Israel. According to their belief of the Bible that Jesus Christ will return to the earth only when Israel becomes a Greater Israel and Jerusalem is with him. That’s why Donald Trump is openly cooperating with Israel politically and diplomatically. The second reason is Donald Trump’s staunch anti-Islamic stance, since now the US itself has become the largest exporter with as well as producing oil and withdrawing its troops from Syria and Afghanistan. Therefore, Trump opposes jihad and bigotry regardless of the resentment of a Muslim country. However, after an unsuccessful attempt to normalize relations between North and South Korea in 2018, President Trump was once again nominated for the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize for giving new heights to historic Israel-UAE diplomatic relations through Abraham Accord., So it will be interesting to see now whether Donald Trump is able to retain his power to take the peace prize even after being trapped between the Chinese Cold War and the coronavirus pandemic.

28 September 2020

@Published by:-

1. #The_Hawk Newspaper, 27th September 2020, Sunday, Saharanpur Edition, Digital page 👉 

2. #The_Hills_Times Newspaper, 30th September 2020, Wednesday, Assam Edition, Digital page 👉 


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